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Auto Insurance in Louisiana

Different states have different laws regarding auto insurance. There are some unique regulations that apply to auto insurance in Louisiana. To find out whether you need to obtain insurance extensions like uninsured motorist or no-fault insurance, just read this fast and simple guide.

Auto Insurance in Louisiana

The State of Louisiana has laws that require its drivers to obtain liability auto insurance. In addition to mandatory coverage, you must also carry proof of insurance in your vehicle.

There are several acceptable forms of proof of insurance. These include:

- Insurance company issued card
- Copy of declaration page
- Copy of insurance policy or binder
- Written, signed statement from insurance company or agent printed on company letterhead

Drivers who are pulled over by police and cannot show proof of insurance will have their vehicles impounded and their license plates suspended. Offenders have up to three business days to go to the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles to provide the necessary proof. If the driver fails to provide proof in that allotted time, his or her license plates will be destroyed and registration will be revoked.

Minimum Liability Auto Insurance in Louisiana

Louisiana’s auto insurance laws are a little different in that the amount of coverage required by law depends on the weight of the individual vehicle that is to be insured. The under 20,000 pounds standard applies to most passenger vehicles:

- $10,000 bodily injury per person
- $20,000 total bodily injury per accident
- $10,000 total property damage per accident

Compared to other states, these minimums are a little on the low side. Most experts would highly suggest looking for car insurance that meets a higher standard. When you are ready to look for the best coverage in Louisiana, all you have to do is enter your zip code in our form on this page.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Auto Insurance in Louisiana

Louisiana does not require UM/UIM insurance.

No-Fault Auto Insurance in Louisiana

Louisiana is not a no-fault state. Therefore, drivers are not required to have this kind of coverage on their policy.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Since Louisiana is not a no-fault state, personal injury protection is not required by law.

SR-22 Requirements

If your driving privileges are revoked for failure to provide proof of insurance, or if your license is suspended due to a DUI conviction or a similar offense, there is a process you have to go through to earn reinstatement. Like many other states, Louisiana requires suspended drivers to file an SR-22.

Louisiana DUI Laws

Drivers who are convicted of first time DUI offenses will potentially face the following maximum penalties:

- Up to six months imprisonment
- $1000 fine
- 90-day license suspension
- Six-month license suspension if driver is under 21

Additional Information about Auto Insurance in Louisiana

The Louisiana Department of Insurance can answer any other questions you have about auto insurance in Louisiana. You can reach them by calling (800) 259-5300 or by going to their website at

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