Carrier Reviews

Shopping around is the best way to save on auto premiums. While shopping, there are a number of variables that can affect your rates. If you're looking for information about car insurance, Quotes2Compare provides unbiased ratings and car insurance reviews to help you choose the best insurance for your needs.
21st Century Insurance is an auto insurance provider that is a subsidiary of Farmers Insurance Group and headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. The company specializes in auto policies while offering other insurance products through its affiliates. 21st Century is known for its affordable auto premiums and has had stable financial ratings since it was founded. 21st Century offers unique customer discounts and benefits such as its free Roadside Assistance Program and Driving Training Discount Program. However, the company has received negative reviews from customers regarding claims processing and customer support issues. In spite of these reviews, 21st Century may be worth a look for customers who are trying to save as much money as possible on auto insurance.
Acceptance Auto Insurance, also known as First Acceptance, is an insurance provider headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee that offers its products in 12 states and markets its auto insurance products to the moderate to high risk insurance pool. First Acceptance accepts applicants who have been denied by other auto insurance companies, and may be a good option for drivers who need insurance and are considered to be non-standard or high risk drivers. Those who apply for insurance with First Acceptance should expect relatively high premium quotes but will often be approved.
Access Insurance Company specializes in offering auto insurance to individuals who may have difficulty getting insured at other insurance companies such as those with bad credit, non U.S. citizen drivers, drivers with DUIs, and others. Access Insurance operates in 14 states, and it is a relatively new but fast growing private insurance company. The company has not been reviewed by A.M. Best or J.D. Power most likely due to the fact that it is a newer and smaller insurance company. Access Insurance offers bilingual customer support and flexible low down payment plans to its customers. It has been rated among the fastest growing insurance companies in the U.S. by several publications, but it has been the subject of some customer complaints online.
Ace auto insurance is sold by ACE Group through its network of agents in the United States, and ACE Group is a major global insurance company. Although the company seems to target luxury car owners there are also minimum liability coverage options for regular vehicle owners. Ace is known for its financial stability and for offering a large range of different individual and business insurance options. The company has not been rated by J.D. Power for its customer service, but reviews that have been published on the company website are mainly positive, with some negative experiences being posted on other websites.
Acuity Auto Insurance is a Wisconsin based insurance company that sells its products through its network of agents and is known for having a good reputation for high quality customer service. The company is also known for its strong financial ratings and for being one of the largest regional auto insurance companies. The insurer is very well established, and it sells a wide range of insurance products outside of auto insurance. Acuity offers some unique discounts and package discounts for purchasing multiple policies. Although there is a relative lack of reviews from former customers online, the strong third party financial reviews make it a good choice for auto insurance shoppers to consider.
Adriana’s Insurance is a California based insurance company that specializes in selling insurance products and vehicle registration and title services to the population of Southern California. Adriana’s Insurance sells insurance to non-standard or high risk applicants who may have been denied by other insurers due to bad credit, a poor driving record, or for other reasons. Unfortunately, the company has a negative online reputation with multiple negative reviews from current and past customers regarding customer support problems, claim reimbursement difficulties, and unexpected increases in premiums.
Affirmative Insurance Holdings sells Affirmative branded auto insurance in 11 states to high risk and non-standard drivers who are having trouble finding coverage options. The company has received some negative reviews and the financial stability ratings from A.M. Best are largely negative. The type of insurance products offered varies from one state to another, and the company is more of an insurance marketing service rather than a major provider. Customer reviews mentioned difficulties with claims processing and various other customer support issues, but there are few overall reviews of the company aside from some complaints on the company’s BBB page.
Aggressive Insurance Services, LLC is a small insurance provider based out of Irving, Texas that offers auto, home and aviation insurance to the state of Texas and Georgia. It is a property and casualty insurance company that sells its products through an agent based system. Aggressive Insurance offers two main auto insurance products to the state of Texas, the “Select” and “Elite” insurance plans along with a roadside assistance towing program. Reviews of the company are mixed, but there are relatively few reviews compared to other providers, most likely due to the smaller size of the company and its limited experience.
AIPSO is a national service provider that functions as a non-profit organization intended to make auto insurance available to the “residual market” or the auto insurance market that cannot find coverage voluntarily due to risk factors that make them ineligible. This market represents less than 1% of the total market but is still a significant customer base with unique needs. AIPSO ensures that the companies offering auto insurance to this market are providing adequate services and meeting the unique needs of this particular consumer group.