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Auto Insurance in Vermont

If you operate a vehicle, you are subject to laws pertaining to auto insurance in Vermont. Uninsured drivers face substantial penalties. To make sure that you have all the facts you need to obtain compliant auto insurance in Vermont, you can read this informative guide.

Auto Insurance in Vermont

You are required to carry liability auto insurance for your vehicle. Vermont drivers may be asked to show proof of insurance when they are pulled over by law enforcement or after accidents. If a driver cannot present proof of insurance when required by law enforcement, they have up to 20 days to do so before penalties kick in. Failure to present valid auto insurance in Vermont will result in a citation, a $100 fine, and two points on the offender’s driving record. After a conviction for driving without insurance, a driver will be required to present proof of financial responsibility to the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles.

If you are uninsured and you are involved in an accident, are caught fleeing an accident, or are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your license will be revoked.

Minimum Liability Auto Insurance in Vermont

Vermont drivers must have a liability auto insurance policy that at least meets the following coverage standards:

- $25,000 bodily injury per person
- $50,000 total bodily injury per accident
- $10,000 total property damage per accident

Covering $50,000 for total bodily injury and $10,000 for total property damage may put you in compliance with the law, but it is important to remember that many auto insurance experts believe this amount of coverage is not adequate for many potential situations. Catastrophic accidents lead to extremely high medical and vehicle repair bills. If you want to avoid financial ruin in situations like these, you should consider more comprehensive policies. Do not assume that this kind of coverage does not fit in your budget. If you enter your zip code on this page, you can compare quotes from many providers and select the best deal available for quality auto insurance in Vermont.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Auto Insurance in Vermont

If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, the State of Vermont wants to make sure you have adequate coverage. You are required to obtain UM/UIM insurance that at least covers:

- $50,000 bodily injury protection per person
- $100,000 bodily injury protection per accident
- $10,000 property damage protection per claim

No-Fault Auto Insurance in Vermont

Vermont does not require its drivers to carry no-fault insurance.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Personal injury protection is not required.

SR-22 Requirements

Earlier, this guide mentioned that some drivers who have been caught without insurance must prove they can meet financial responsibility standards before their driving privileges are reinstated. In these cases, a driver will be expected to submit an SR-22 form to the DMV.

Vermont’s DUI Laws

Drivers convicted of a DUI offense in the State of Vermont are subject to a long list of penalties. First time offenders may receive:

- Up to 2 years imprisonment
- Up to $750 fine
- 90 day license suspension
- Minimum $160 DUI surcharge
- Alcohol and driving education program
- Treatment assessment
- Therapy program

Additional Information about Auto Insurance in Vermont

If you still have questions about auto insurance in Vermont, you should direct them to the Vermont Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration. They can be reached over the phone at (802) 828-3301 or online at

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